2019 Ophthalmology GIRFT report published

  • 13 Dec 2019
  • RCOphth


GIRFT recommendations aim to make best use of theatre time to improve patient care.

The Ophthalmology GIRFT report has been published today.

In the foreword, Mike Burdon, President, welcomes the publication, saying “It reflects a huge commitment by the GIRFT team to analyse the ophthalmology services being delivered at the 120 trusts in England, and to identify innovative models of eye care which, if adopted nationally, would greatly impact on our ability to keep pace with rising demand and ensure patients benefit from high quality care.

“The principle value of this GIRFT report is that it provides an in-depth assessment of what is good practice and what could be improved. The clinicians and managers working in ophthalmology services, and those that commission these services, have a duty to reflect on its recommendations. It is vital that we adopt efficient models of care, and the reporting and auditing of that care, to ensure we are able to deliver the quality of services that all patients have a right to expect.”

The RCOphth invites members for their feedback on the recommendations outlined in the report. Please send your comments and feedback to [email protected].