How to use your new ePortfolio - Top Tips

All users, including doctors in non-training posts and resident doctors who have chosen to finish their training on the 2010 curriculum, have been transferred to a new ePortfolio platform, which is provided by FourteenFish.

Moving to a new platform can be a confusing process. Below are some Top Tips which you are encouraged to view to see if your particular query can be answered. We are continually updating our advice and guidance.

All resident doctors, Named Clinical Supervisors and Educational Supervisors are strongly recommended to read the End of rotation checklist for Curriculum 2024. This has also been added as Appendix 2 to the Curriculum Handbook.

Top Tips

You should use the Helpdesk button to raise a ticket and include a full description of the problem, with screenshots if possible, so that the support agents can address queries more quickly.

FourteenFish will aim to respond within 5 days of the initial query and a unique ticket reference number will be generated. You should escalate to [email protected] if the response is inconclusive or unclear -please include the reference number in your correspondence.

Click the green Portfolio button at the top of the screen to access the Portfolio Overview page, from which you can:

  • find the Learning Logs to upload other evidence (audits, certificates, etc.)
  • start assessment forms (Education Assessments)
  • check progress (Portfolio Summary and Training Map)
  • locate/download historical data from the old system, if applicable (Educator Notes)

This is a one-off exercise and only specific documents need to be uploaded (requirements are determined by the curriculum you follow).  It is not necessary to upload more evidence for competencies signed off in the old portfolio system. You should follow the set of instructions after clicking the catch-up button.

You can change the ‘tagging to’ order and switch between Level 1 & 2 and level 3 & 4 domain/ learning outcome coverage.

If you experience technical difficulties, please contact the FourteenFish Helpdesk.

Old curriculum Ø  You only need to tick off areas of the curriculum that you have already achieved earlier in training, concentrating on the core domains (Clinical Assessment, Practical Skills and Surgical Skills).

Ø  Ticking the relevant learning outcomes (ST4-7 stages) you have already completed will populate the Portfolio progress circle, albeit partially.

New curriculum Ø  If you have transferred to Level 3 or 4, you will not need to revisit old ground or provide evidence retrospectively to show progress in the earlier part of your training (i.e. that equivalent to the new Levels 1 and 2).

Ø  You only need to tick off areas of the curriculum that you have already achieved earlier in training.

Ø  New learning outcomes are different from those employed in the old curriculum. It is therefore to be expected that Level 1 and 2 progress circles will not look 100% complete.

Please consult the Help Centre for more details and to watch the video demonstration.

For both curricula, ESRs are constructed in stages by both you and your ES, using the Prepare button in the Portfolio Summary. For the old curriculum, the Core Curriculum Progress field (Portfolio Summary) is where to record information regarding progress with General Ophthalmology and other special interest areas. This mirrors the previous system’s workflow.

You must ensure that all evidence relevant to the current Review Period has been added to the system before following the Prepare process. Please do not attempt to complete an ESR too early as this will lock the report, and you will be asked to start a new Review Period.

It is recommended to use multiple windows to review information with your ES.

Your historical data – ARCPs, assessments and other documents previously stored as Additional Evidence – have been manually migrated by FourteenFish to an area called Educator Notes (bottom right-hand corner of the Portfolio interface). 

It is worth noting that historical data cannot be mapped and therefore will not automatically populate the Portfolio Summary or Training Map.

If you need to share specific items with your educational team to inform discussions, you should locate and download them from the zipped folders in the Educator Notes and then upload to your Learning Logs. No other historical item will need to be uploaded manually.

If you have correctly shared your portfolio these items will be visible by educational teams for review. Content from the old Additional Evidence tab which was too large to migrate is available on request ([email protected]).

You can upload any item to the Learning Logs for your own private purposes. If you decide that you want an item to be viewable by third parties, you will need to use the Request a Review button to trigger an email request to the chosen supervisor to acknowledge the item.  Items will become visible to educational teams and ARCP panels once they have been acknowledged by the chosen supervisor.

This is the only way to ensure that items are viewable by anyone other than you. The Request a Review button and the need for a supervisor to acknowledge the item is inherent to this ePortfolio and, despite multiple requests from the College, FourteenFish have advised that the process cannot be changed.

The workflow is as follows:

  • Add item to Learning Logs tabs, save and tag the outcomes
  • Click Request a Review to alert the supervisor
  • Once acknowledged by the latter, items are added to your portfolio

No examination result will show in the ePortfolio until the second quarter of 2025. You should retain all correspondence from the Examinations team and, in the interim, upload result emails to the Curriculum Catch-up tab.

The ePortfolio is not replacing the existing surgical logbook. You should continue to generate PDF reports from the Eye Logbook and upload these to the relevant tab.

Please consult the Help Centre for more details.

You should follow this guidance for completing your MSF and also consult the Help Centre articles for more details.

  • Once past the self-assessment questionnaire, please add the appropriate mix of colleagues.
  • The list of assessors must be discussed and agreed with the ES prior to starting the process. Failure to do so is a probity issue.
  • Only professional hospital/Trust email addresses must be used. Personal addresses are not allowed.
  • The system will automatically send reminders to any non-responders 10 days after their initial invites are sent out. Should you need any further reminders sent out, please contact the Helpdesk.
  • You can add assessors to the MSF at any time. Once you have received 11 responses, the option toClose Survey will become visible in the Progress box.
  • The ‘Collect patient feedback’ and peer benchmarking data (the percentages) should be disregarded as not applicable to Ophthalmology.
  • The comparator data in the Summary Report should also be disregarded. It is a feature of the system that cannot be changed.

A dedicated Educator Notes area was created by FourteenFish as a way to give access to historical data (ARCPs, assessments and other documents). This is not their main function and, in this instance, was for the purpose of migration. Please disregard any MACOSX folders.

See also How to find your historical portfolio data above.

ESs and NCSs alike must be invited by you to create their own account, which will give them access to evidence you have linked to EPAs and GSATs.

Assessors do not need an account to sign forms off. Assessment requests are sent directly by you, and emails will contain links to forms.

Please follow the link for more details about the different roles.


Form R applies to England, Wales and Northern Ireland. The SOAR form applies to Scotland only. They are equivalent.