Digital Resources

Videos, recordings and presentations from the Curriculum 2024 project team to support your awareness and understanding of different aspects of the new curriculum.

On this page you can find resources to help trainees and trainers understand the concepts behind and implementation of the new Curriculum.  Scroll down to see recordings and presentations made by members of the Curriculum 2024 project team, led by Mr Vikas Chadha (Chair of Curriculum Sub-Committee). 

Curriculum 2024 recordings

You should:

  • Read the Disclaimer below about various corrections/clarifications prior to viewing the recording.
  • Click here for the questions asked during the webinar and answers. Although some questions were answered during the webinar, many have had to be added afterwards due to the number of questions asked.


Editing of the Level by the Education Supervisor at any point

Although it is technically possible for ESs to change the ePortfolio Level at any point, this would not be appropriate as it would not conform to the process as described in the ARCP section of the Curriculum Handbook. Level advancement recommendations made in ESRs must be endorsed by an ARCP panel. College staff are responsible for updating portfolios post-ARCP where required.

Examination results

No examination result will show in the ePortfolio until the second quarter of 2025. Until informed otherwise, you should retain all correspondence from the Examinations team and, in the interim, upload result emails to the Curriculum Catch-up or Additional evidence tabs of the Learning Logs. Such documents must be acknowledged by a supervisor to make them visible to ARCP panels. It is worth clarifying that the FourteenFish platform cannot be used to book exams.

Multi-Source Feedback (MSF)

FourteenFish terminology differs from the College’s in places. One such example is the MSF acronym, which FourteenFish refer to in the recording as a ‘survey’. This cannot be changed because the FourteenFish platform is shared with other organisations. It is worth clarifying that the patient feedback button is not relevant to Ophthalmology.

FourteenFish functionality means that the ES will never see the final list of assessor names, so we would like to remind you that it is imperative that you agree the list with the ES in advance, and in accordance with the process described in the Top Tips and the modified WpBAs section of the Curriculum Handbook. Failure to do this will be considered a probity issue.

Educator Notes

The webinar did not point out that historical data from the old portfolio have been migrated to the Educator Notes section of the FourteenFish platform. See the Top Tips for further information.

Learning Logs

Another example of FourteenFish terminology is the use of the word ‘review’ to describe the acknowledgement by an ES of an uploaded item, without which the item cannot be viewed by others. FourteenFish understand many of you have expressed concern about this and the additional workload on supervisors. However, this is fixed functionality across the whole FourteenFish system and is unlikely to change. See the Top Tips for further information.

Retrospective change of tagging

Learning logs and Educational Assessments are tagged in slightly different ways.

Learning Logs
Once a supervisor has acknowledged an entry, the ‘Manage what is tagged in this entry’ button will not be visible, but changes can be requested by sending a message to the supervisor to ask that they make the changes to the tags for them. The request will appear in the supervisor’s Dashboard.

Educational Assessments
The ‘Manage what is tagged in this entry’ button will be visible to both parties once the assessment has been signed off.There are currently two tagging glitches that FourteenFish developers are trying to fix:

  • Resident doctors following the old curriculum are not able to add Learning Domain tags to any Learning Logs or Educational Assessments.
  • Although resident doctors on the new curriculum can add Learning Domain tags to Learning logs and Educational Assessments, if any edits are made to the entry, the Learning Domain tags will be overwritten and only save the updated tagging.

Who completes GSATs and EPAs

The webinar stated that it is the NCS who completes the GSAT. This was an error. The ES completes the GSAT, and the NCS the EPA. Please look at this section of the Curriculum Handbook for further information.

How to link evidence to GSATs / EPAs

The webinar did not clarify that resident doctors must link individual pieces of evidence to EPAs or GSATs before sending either to their NCS or ES for completion. If this is not done in advance, there will be no evidence for supervisors to review after clicking the View Evidence button.

Form R

The Form R is only required once a year as part of the ARCP process, not for each Review Period as implied by the webinar.









This is a recording of a presentation given by Mr David Yorston on 7 November 2022 as part of the Advanced Training the Trainers course.

This is a recording made of a webinar held on 22 April 2022, chaired by Mr Vikas Chadha. The passcode is Y4K%1$QX.

Curriculum 2024 presentations

A collection of presentations about different aspects of Curriculum 2024, including the Autumn Webinar Programme 2023.

Transition guidance

These are slides used by Mr Chadha at a meeting of the Regional Curriculum Network on 31 July 2023.