Standards and guidance

Our range of high-quality guidance helps to maintain standards in the planning, practice and commissioning of patient care. Our clinical guidelines provide evidence-based recommendations across all aspect of care or of eye conditions; Concise Practice Points make recommendations for less frequent and targeted clinical situations, succinctly describing the scientific and clinical evidence alongside expert input to enhance clinician and patient decision making. Our Commissioning guidance supports eye units to develop services to meet local population needs.

Quality Standards of the care and service for children and young people

This quality standard has been developed by the RCOphth paediatric subcommittee, in conjunction with the College's Quality and Safety Group, to provide a self-assessment tool which focuses on service provision not outcomes. This is not an attempt to assess every aspect of service but try to focus on a small number of key areas. It is not expected that every clinical services will deliver every aspect as described, and the results should be used in conjunction with other methods of quality assessment to support learning and improvement.