RCOphth follow up survey finds continued cataract rationing imposed by CCGs despite NICE guidance
Cataract surgery is the most common operation performed, with approximately 400,000 operations delivered per year in the UK.
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Cataract surgery is the most common operation performed, with approximately 400,000 operations delivered per year in the UK.
Most ophthalmology services are delivered in a planned way, but eye casualty attendances are estimated to be 20-30 per 1000 population each year. Accident and emergency departments will be able to triage and manage some conditions, but many complex sight-threatening emergencies will need to be managed by ophthalmologists with the wider multidisciplinary eye care team. […]
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has been working with a specialist agency called Canham Hall Associates, and I am a member of a small steering group, including College Officers and staff. Canham Hall is led jointly by Alison Robinson Canham and Andrew Hall, a previous CEO of the Royal College of Radiologists. Both understand some […]
RCOphth welcomes the recommendations from the Public Accounts Committee inquiry report ‘Managing NHS backlogs & waiting times in England’ as a positive step in focusing efforts to tackle backlogs, especially where the Committee has taken on board evidence from our submission. This article summarises key recommendations from the report and their relevance for ophthalmology services, while outlining what further measures the College believes are needed to bring down ophthalmology backlogs.
A new report published today reviews the role of multi-professional teams during the pandemic and considers how the members of different occupational groups came together to deliver care differently. Multi-professional team-working - the experience and lessons from COVID-19 published by the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AOMRC) focuses on lessons learned about the enablers for and barriers to effective multi-professional team-working.
Over the last two weeks, both the Conservatives and Labour held their party conferences, at which they debated, discussed, and announced a range of policy measures that will affect ophthalmology services. RCOphth Policy Advisor David Murray rounds up the key announcements and what they mean for ophthalmology. While there were relatively few health-related events at […]