Academic ophthalmology
Academic Ophthalmology is a challenging but rewarding career option.
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Academic Ophthalmology is a challenging but rewarding career option.
The Cataract Services Workforce Guidance March 2021 includes a RCOphth cataract workforce calculator tool Mar2021 to support workforce planning to meet demand.
How are ophthalmologists in training faring in 2022? Vishal Shah, National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow, RCOphth and South London representative for the Ophthalmologists in Training Group, and Jordan Marshall, RCOphth Policy Manager, summarise the key findings from the GMC’s wide-ranging 2022 National Training Survey. The General Medical Council (GMC) conducts an annual survey of trainees […]
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists has published its fifth annual report for the National Ophthalmology Database Audit for cataract surgery. Overall the audit findings indicate high-quality cataract surgery is being delivered to NHS patients with a continuation in the trend seen over the past decade towards improvement. Included in this fifth prospective report are operations […]
The NOD Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) audit report is a significant milestone in benchmarking the delivery of AMD treatment in the UK, using data recorded as part of routine clinical care. It reflects the desire and willingness of ophthalmologists throughout the UK to quality assure the care they provide for many thousands of patients who […]
The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is deeply concerned about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on academic ophthalmology, research and innovation in ophthalmology and vision sciences.