Workforce: Prevalence of eye conditions

  • 16 Sep 2024
  • Stephen Kaye

We are pleased to release the January edition of this workforce document. The latest edition includes updates on Paediatric Ophthalmology both in terms of the Paediatric Workforce composition and prevalence of Paediatric Ophthalmic conditions.

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Prevalence and incidence of eye conditions and workforce composition

This document collates best available data on incidence and prevalence for over 250 eye conditions, grouped by subspeciality.

Estimates for the number of required attendances for each condition, and the composition of the optimum multi-disciplinary workforce are also included.

Who will this information be useful for?

We anticipate this data will be most useful for those involved in planning eye care services, such as clinicians, operational managers and commissioners. We hope that those conducting academic research into eye conditions will find this data useful too.

How do I navigate this document?

The ‘Index’ sheet provides an overview of which conditions are included and hyperlinks to enable you to navigate directly to the data you are interested in.

How was this information gathered?

Between October 2023 and June 2024, 16 expert working groups were convened by The Royal College of Ophthalmologists across ophthalmic subspecialties. These expert groups (detail on their membership is provided in the ‘Expert working groups’ sheet) collated this data based on literature review and expert opinion.

The information in this document is not intended to be static. If there is information you think needs to be added or amended, please contact [email protected]

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