Apply for Fellowship (by exam or election)

Demonstrate your professional expertise and achievements in ophthalmic practice

As a College Fellow you can use the prestigious post-nominal letters FRCOphth (by exam) or FRCOphth (by election).

We offer two routes to Fellowship – through completion of exams or through an application for Fellowship by election.

Fellowship by exam
This is the pinnacle of success for all trainees on Ophthalmic Specialist Training (OST) and is achieved on completion of the required exams. It is also an option for others practising in the UK and overseas who have completed the exams via a different training route. Many international practitioners who wish to work in the UK use this accreditation to support their specialist registration via the Portfolio Pathway (formerly CESR).
You can see full details here. Once you have passed the final exam we will invite you to complete your membership registration. Details of membership fees are here.

Fellow by election
You are eligible to apply for Fellowship by election if you meet one of the following eligibility criteria.

UK NHS applicants

  • in a substantive NHS consultant post in ophthalmology for five years or more
  • in a substantive NHS associate specialist post on ‘old’ associate specialist contract, with minimum six years in ophthalmology and minimum 10 years clinical practice since primary medical qualification
  • a specialist ophthalmologist on ‘new’ specialist grade contract (which has entry criteria as minimum six years in ophthalmology, 12 years clinical practice since primary medical qualification)
  • a specialty grade (with at least 10 years’ experience)

UK non-NHS applicants

  • a substantive consultant in ophthalmology in a non-NHS UK healthcare provider for six years or more

Overseas applicants

  • a substantive consultant in ophthalmology in a healthcare provider for six years or more and can provide the required evidence.

How to apply for Fellowship

1. If you don’t have a College account you can create one at our member portal MyRCOphth
2. Please fill in the online application form. You will need these documents and supporting evidence:
– Supporting evidence form (signed by responsible officer)
– Curriculum vitae
– Two referee declarations (upload under ‘referee supporting document’)
– Primary Medical Qualification certificate
– Postgraduate ophthalmology qualification
– Other supporting evidence such as list of publications, job plan
Other evidence required for international applicants
3. We will confirm receipt and check all is complete before the assessors get to work. There is no application fee.
4. We’ll update you on the decision and, if accepted, your application will be put forward for ratification at the next College Council meeting (March, June, September, December every year).
5. We’ll set up your membership, invoice the membership fee and send your certificate.

Any questions? Email us at [email protected].

If you have been a Fellow of the College before and would like to rejoin please fill in the rejoining form.