News & Views

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RCOphth Congress 2024 - Congress session proposal

The 2024 Congress will take place at the ICC, Belfast from 20 – 23  May 2024 and will be fully in person, with talks available on demand after the meeting. The College are looking for suggestions for parallel sessions. These can be 60 or 90 minutes and can cover any aspect of ophthalmology. We are particularly looking for sessions that cover the latest research, innovations or treatments and have something new to say. Topics can cover any aspect of ophthalmology, whether a broad overview of a subspecialty or a narrower focus on a particular disease.


RCOphth Congress 2023 sessions explore workforce, capacity and independent sector challenges

RCOphth held two sessions at Annual Congress 2023 in Birmingham examining the key policy priorities of ophthalmology. The first session explored the challenges and potential solutions to the ophthalmology workforce crisis - informed by an expert panel - while the second session saw the National Clinical Director for Eye Care Louisa Wickham discuss national coordination of eye care services. Both events facilitated a highly engaging discussion between panellists and the RCOphth member audience who were invited to pose questions, input with their experience and suggest solutions. These well-attended panel sessions were received by members as an opportunity for informative debate of the issues most pertinent to ophthalmology services.


Ben Burton makes first announcement as President

It’s definitely going to be a busy first few months, if not for the next three years. I want to assure you of my commitment to the role and encourage you to contact me at [email protected] if you have any questions, to share solutions that positively impact patient care or wish to feedback on the work of the College.


Submit an abstract for the RCOphth Annual Congress 2022

Each year we invite those working in eye health research to present their findings and methods to our Congress audience. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work to a significant audience. Abstract submission for Congress 2022 will open on 4 October 2021 and the deadline is 10 December 2021.


RCOphth Annual Congress 2022 – Call for sessions

The Scientific Committee are looking for suggestions for parallel sessions. These are 60, 90 or 120 minutes long and will take place over the first three days. We would also like suggestions for the subspecialty day on 26 May. At this stage, all we need is a brief synopsis, including aims and objectives and what areas the session will cover. We can accept suggestions that you would like to chair yourself or things you would like to see.