The Trustee Board has approved the Financial Accounts and the revised 2020 financial outlook due to the pandemic.
The pandemic has accelerated the use of e-learning tools and webinars and the RCOphth will be reviewing how our educational and training programme will adapt and innovate using these platforms.
Our response to questions on Management of ARCPs in response to COVID-19 has been shared with the AoMRC and RCOphth is holding webinars to address the issues of the forthcoming ARCPS with Heads of School/TPDs and with trainees.
COESCA and College representatives received a report from COECSA on their progress since 2012 with the work of curriculum, exams and TTT and the plan of continuing this work.
MTI – we took the decision to continue to allow doctors to submit applications.
The Membership, IT and Communications teams are continuing to work on the website and CRM project to improve members’ online experience.
Eyemail is still going out with the latest news and updates for members.
College News is still being produced, although April will only be a PDF – but we will relaunch a new design and bumper edition for July.
Examinations team are scheduling additional exams in 2021 to address the demand from the cancelled 2020 exams, and have held a recruitment drive for more examiners – please do get in touch if you are able to offer your time as an examiner, by emailing [email protected].
Unfortunately we cannot reinstate any extra exams in 2020 itself – keep an eye on the Examinations page.