The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is delighted to announce the appointment of Professor Christopher Liu as Honorary Treasurer. Professor Liu has previously held Council and Trustee roles.
The Honorary Treasurer is a Council and Executive member as well as a Trustee of the College. Trustees have, and must accept, ultimate responsibility for governing a charity, and ensuring that it is solvent and well-run. The Honorary Treasurer will focus on the current and future financial governance of the RCOphth and works with the Chief Executive, Head of Finance and Operations and other stakeholders to fulfil this responsibility.
On his appointment, Christopher said, “I am really pleased to have been offered the role of Honorary Treasurer. We are living in very strange times, in uncharted waters. I shall work diligently to continue the good work of my predecessor, ensure our resources and finances are effective and to support the President and the Executive team to the best of my ability. This appointment is a huge honour for me.”
Christopher’s biography can be found here.