News & Views

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The College in the news

Our media coverage in November included mentions in the Financial Times and Medscape online news. Our active engagement with the media reflects our commitment to raising awareness about critical issues, advocating for reform, and increasing the profile of ophthalmology.  

Our highlights of 2023

January saw the launch of the Differential Attainment report, with us addressing systemic disparities in professional outcomes. This was the start of our pledge to foster diversity and inclusion across the College. In February, the first NOD age-related macular degeneration (AMD) audit highlighted the importance of prompt AMD treatment, encouraging participation for quality assurance. 


Westminster Eye Health Day

As part of our commitment to advocate for the ophthalmology workforce and foster effective primary and secondary eyecare integration, we co-hosted the annual Parliamentary event, Westminster Eye Health Day, on 11 December. The event, held in collaboration with The Eyes Have It and hosted by Marsha de Cordova MP, aimed to highlight the challenges in eye care services to policymakers and elevate eye care on the political agenda. 


Honorary Fellowship for Mel

Congratulations to Melanie Hingorani former trustee and honorary secretary, who has been awarded an Honorary Fellowship from the College of Optometrists, one of only two presented this year. 


Westminster Eye Health Day 2023

Imagine that the entire population of Gloucestershire was waiting for an ophthalmology appointment. And then imagine the outcome if those appointments never happened. Not just for the Gloucestershire people themselves, who might lose their sight or have to live in extreme discomfort or distress. But for the NHS and other healthcare providers facing even greater and more crucial demand, and the local public service providers, who would have to support them and their additional needs, and for the myriad other people, services and organisations involved. It would be catastrophic.


Journal editor celebrated

Eye Journal editor in chief Sobha Sivaprasad will be honoured in a forthcoming Springer Nature event entitled ‘Celebrating Editorial Impact’. Sobha’s initiatives grew the journal from publishing around 300 articles a year to one publishing more than 500, and led to the launch of six new topical collections and prioritisation of the values of EDI.


President writes to new Health Secretary

College President Ben Burton has contacted the new Secretary of State for Health, Victoria Atkins MP, to congratulate her on her recent appointment and to highlight our priorities for UK ophthalmology services. 


Alert: Burkholderia cenocepacia novel cluster with suspected association with carbomer containing lubricating eye gel

The UKHSA is investigating a novel cluster of Burkholderia cenocepacia involving 20 cases across the UK. Preliminary epidemiological and microbiological investigations have identified a potential association with carbomer containing lubricating eye gel. Investigations into the link between the cluster and carbomer eye gels are ongoing, and these findings are not conclusive at this stage.


The Ulverscroft David Owen Award 2024

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is delighted to announce the continuation of the Ulverscroft David Owen Awards. The Ulverscroft Foundation gives financial help to Universities which carry out research into the causes of eye diseases; funds eye clinics, hospitals, schools, libraries and other organisations which help visually impaired people.