News & Views

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An elderly patient with her carer walking down a hospital corridor.

RCOphth responds to government’s elective recovery taskforce plan

The Department of Health and Social Care has today published its Elective recovery taskforce implementation plan. The plan covers England and focuses on ‘increasing the use of independent sector capacity across a broader range of specialties, helping to get NHS waiting times down and ensuring every patient can realise their right to choose where they receive their NHS care’.


SAS Doctors contribute to the work of medical royal colleges to maintain standards of patient care and development of future generations of eye doctors

As the demand of patient care and backlogs continue to put pressure on trusts and eye care units, a consequence is the difficulty in medical royal colleges being able to maintain high standards and resources to assess, examine, educate and train future generations of ophthalmologists and eye care professionals to deliver comprehensive care to patients safely and in a timely way.  These responsibilities are incorporated into the charter of royal colleges.


GMC’s 2023 annual training survey shows progression improving for ophthalmologists in training, alongside concerns over burnout and access to independent sector

What was the experience of ophthalmologists in training in 2023, and how does this compare to previous years? Jordan Marshall, RCOphth Policy Manager and Sam Simpson, specialty trainee and Ophthalmologists in Training Group (OTG) representative, summarise the key findings from the GMC’s 2023 National Training Survey.


Mr. Terence Tarrant

It is with much sadness that we announce the death of Honorary Fellow Terence Tarrant, and the College offers its sincere condolences to Terence’s family, friends and colleagues. The funeral will take place on Wednesday 2 August, at Mortlake Crematorium, Kew Meadow Path, Richmond, Surrey, at 2:00pm. The Tarrant family requests no flowers, but encourages charitable donations to Moorfields Eye Charity in his memory. Terry spent many years at the Institute of Ophthalmology in Judd Street before continuing his work at the Holborn branch of Moorfields Eye Hospital, and continued to see patients throughout his retirement. His interest in optic imagery and his skilled artistry allowed him to embark on a career in ophthalmic medical illustration, becoming the key artist for many ophthalmologists throughout the 1960s and 1970s. Alongside his paintings of the fundus and external eye, Terry contributed to illustrations of instruments and surgical procedures to many text books on ophthalmology.


Guidance on diabetic eye screening, conversion rates for cataract surgery and glaucoma referral criteria published by AoMRC and NHS England

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), in partnership with NHS England, has published a new set of ‘evidence based interventions (EBI)’ including measures for ophthalmology. The guidance aims to increase ophthalmic capacity in England by improving efficiency in the referral pathways for diabetic retinopathy, glaucoma and cataracts into hospital eye services. Implementing these changes will require clinicians and commissioners to work closely together, ensuring effective pathways are developed that are properly resourced. 

Woman looking through a microscope

Sight Research UK Seed Award - Open to Applications

The Seed Award supports a diverse portfolio of research projects with a clear pathway to patient benefit. All research should aim focus on eventual diagnostic, prevention or treatment solutions applicable to eye conditions. The maximum value of this grant is £15,000 with a maximum term of 1 year. The Seed Award supports a diverse portfolio of research projects with a clear pathway to patient benefit. All research should aim focus on eventual diagnostic, prevention or treatment solutions applicable to eye conditions. The maximum value of this grant is £15,000 with a maximum term of 1 year.