News & Views

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Taking part in BOSU made easier

Last month, for the first time since it went digital, the British Ophthalmological Surveillance Unit (BOSU) had a response rate of over 50%, and 31 positive case reports for the deterioration of sight following delay and sympathetic ophthalmia studies. We encourage all ophthalmologists in the UK to take part in BOSU. It’s easy to do and you’ll be contributing to this unique resource that advances knowledge and improvement of the prevention, treatment and service planning of these disorders.


The College in the news

Our media coverage in November included mentions in the Financial Times and Medscape online news. Our active engagement with the media reflects our commitment to raising awareness about critical issues, advocating for reform, and increasing the profile of ophthalmology.  

Our highlights of 2023

January saw the launch of the Differential Attainment report, with us addressing systemic disparities in professional outcomes. This was the start of our pledge to foster diversity and inclusion across the College. In February, the first NOD age-related macular degeneration (AMD) audit highlighted the importance of prompt AMD treatment, encouraging participation for quality assurance.