News & Views

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The National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow Scheme 2022/23

The National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow scheme is run by the Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management (FMLM) and places fellows at a national healthcare-affiliated host organisation for a full-time 12-month position. The scheme is designed to develop skills in leadership, management, strategy, project management, and health policy. For those of you interested in a portfolio career, this interest area is an alternative to the traditional routes of research and teaching.

Eye to Eye Podcast

How to write a text book

In this episode we speak with Venki Sundaram, a Consultant Ophthalmologist working at the Luton & Dunstable University Hospital. We talk about the journey he took in creating and curating the well known textbook 'Training in Ophthalmology' as well as tips and suggestions for those who might want to write their own book in the future.


International expansion of prestigious FRCOphth examinations

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) is pleased to announce the expansion of our prestigious Fellowship in Ophthalmology (FRCOphth) examinations overseas with new international host centres opening in India, Egypt and Trinidad and Tobago in 2022. Applications open from October 2021.


Consultation on proposed OST Curriculum

All Royal Colleges and Faculties have been requested to rewrite their specialist curriculum by the GMC to include the Generic Professional Capabilities (GPC) Framework and meet the GMC standards of curricular design. This represents a move from multiple learning outcomes, used to describe each constituent part of a capability, to overarching learning outcomes that describe the capability itself. The Curriculum Sub-committee believes that the proposed new OST Curriculum will accelerate progression to consultant posts and ensure national standardisation of high level special interest area training.


Temporary curriculum derogations due to COVID19

The GMC have agreed changes to curriculum requirements at ARCP to enable progression where disruption to training has been unavoidable, and where it is safe for patients and supports trainee well-being. Trainees and trainers are invited to join a webinar on Thursday, 29 April 2021 to learn more about the temporary curriculum derogations and how portfolio evidence should be assessed for 2021 ARCPs. Participants will be able to take part in a Q&A session.

Eye to Eye Podcast

How technology is going to change surgical training in Ophthalmology as we know it

In this episode, we speak with Abison Logeswaran, a Tool Digital Fellow and Registrar at Moorfields Eye Hospital and George Saleh, a Consultant Ophthalmologist and the Director of Simulation Training at Moorfields Eye Hospital. We discuss technology, specifically immersive technologies including augmented and virtual reality and how these will shape the future of surgical training in our specialty.