News & Views

Read the latest RCOphth news updates and guidance here.

Eye to Eye Podcast

A day in the life of a high volume cataract surgeon with pearls for success from Neto Rosatelli

In this episode, we speak with Neto Rosatelli, a cataract surgeon and YouTube channel host from Brazil. He shares his experiences in Ophthalmology, including his journey of becoming a high volume cataract surgeon and provides advice for junior ophthalmologists on how to develop surgical skills and efficiency. Neto will be speaking at the 2021 College Congress at the Ophthalmologists in Training Group (OTG).


Safety Alert: Boron additives in Chloramphenicol drops; should ophthalmologists be concerned?

Boric acid and disodium tetraborate are used as excipients in a number of medicines for their antimicrobial and buffering properties. Toxicity studies in rats identified that testicular toxicity leading to reduced fertility occurs at doses below that which result in damage to other organs. As a result, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has recommended upper limits on the daily exposure to boron-containing excipients, expressed as equivalent doses of elemental boron. For children under 2 years, the limit is 1mg per day and for children aged 2-12 years, the limit is 3mg per day. (Reference: EMA/CHMP 619104/2013).


Consultation on proposed OST Curriculum

All Royal Colleges and Faculties have been requested to rewrite their specialist curriculum by the GMC to include the Generic Professional Capabilities (GPC) Framework and meet the GMC standards of curricular design. This represents a move from multiple learning outcomes, used to describe each constituent part of a capability, to overarching learning outcomes that describe the capability itself. The Curriculum Sub-committee believes that the proposed new OST Curriculum will accelerate progression to consultant posts and ensure national standardisation of high level special interest area training.


Temporary curriculum derogations due to COVID19

The GMC have agreed changes to curriculum requirements at ARCP to enable progression where disruption to training has been unavoidable, and where it is safe for patients and supports trainee well-being. Trainees and trainers are invited to join a webinar on Thursday, 29 April 2021 to learn more about the temporary curriculum derogations and how portfolio evidence should be assessed for 2021 ARCPs. Participants will be able to take part in a Q&A session.


RCOphth AGM 2021

The 33rd AGM of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists will be held at 10.00 Tuesday 25 May 2021. It will be a virtual meeting and all members are encouraged to attend. Members can contact [email protected] if they are not attending Congress, but wish to attend the AGM.


Membership of the National Cataract Audit Advisory Group – Open Call

We are seeking applications for ophthalmologist representatives from the RCOphth membership. As an Advisory Group member, you will support the Clinical Lead and Project manager in developing the national cataract audit. The National Ophthalmology Database Audit (NOD) is internationally renowned as an exemplar of high quality audit that produces results in positive outcomes for patients and the profession. The NOD Cataract audit aims to prospectively collect, collate and analyse a standardised, nationally agreed dataset from all centres providing cataract surgery in the United Kingdom.


The Royal College of Ophthalmologists endorses the AAO's call for standardisation of digital imaging

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) has issued a statement, 'American Academy of Ophthalmology Leads Call for Ophthalmic Equipment Manufacturers to Standardise Digital Imaging'. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists agrees with the recommendations that manufacturers must implement the existing international standard for communication and management of medical images and related data (DICOM).

Eye to Eye Podcast

How technology is going to change surgical training in Ophthalmology as we know it

In this episode, we speak with Abison Logeswaran, a Tool Digital Fellow and Registrar at Moorfields Eye Hospital and George Saleh, a Consultant Ophthalmologist and the Director of Simulation Training at Moorfields Eye Hospital. We discuss technology, specifically immersive technologies including augmented and virtual reality and how these will shape the future of surgical training in our specialty.