News & Views

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RCOphth AGM 2021

The 33rd AGM of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists will be held at 10.00 Tuesday 25 May 2021. It will be a virtual meeting and all members are encouraged to attend. Members can contact [email protected] if they are not attending Congress, but wish to attend the AGM.


Membership of the National Cataract Audit Advisory Group – Open Call

We are seeking applications for ophthalmologist representatives from the RCOphth membership. As an Advisory Group member, you will support the Clinical Lead and Project manager in developing the national cataract audit. The National Ophthalmology Database Audit (NOD) is internationally renowned as an exemplar of high quality audit that produces results in positive outcomes for patients and the profession. The NOD Cataract audit aims to prospectively collect, collate and analyse a standardised, nationally agreed dataset from all centres providing cataract surgery in the United Kingdom.


The Royal College of Ophthalmologists endorses the AAO's call for standardisation of digital imaging

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) has issued a statement, 'American Academy of Ophthalmology Leads Call for Ophthalmic Equipment Manufacturers to Standardise Digital Imaging'. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists agrees with the recommendations that manufacturers must implement the existing international standard for communication and management of medical images and related data (DICOM).

Eye to Eye Podcast

How technology is going to change surgical training in Ophthalmology as we know it

In this episode, we speak with Abison Logeswaran, a Tool Digital Fellow and Registrar at Moorfields Eye Hospital and George Saleh, a Consultant Ophthalmologist and the Director of Simulation Training at Moorfields Eye Hospital. We discuss technology, specifically immersive technologies including augmented and virtual reality and how these will shape the future of surgical training in our specialty.


Glaucoma, Isolation and Kindness: the role opthamologists play in creating a brighter world

We asked Professor Peter Shah (BSc (Hons), MB ChB, FRCOphth, FRCP Edin, MA (Distinction), Consultant Ophthalmic Surgeon, University Hospitals Birmingham (UHB) NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham Institute for Glaucoma Research, Institute of Translational Medicine, UHB. Visiting Professor at University College London, Honorary Professor of Glaucoma, Centre for Health & Social Care Improvement, University of Wolverhampton and President of the UK and Eire Glaucoma Society, to write a piece for the college for World Glaucoma Week.