News & Views

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Academy of Medical Royal Colleges calls for prioritisation of professional examinations for clinicians alongside direct clinical care during COVID-19 pandemic

The Academy of Medical Royal Colleges, along with the Statutory Education Bodies in all four nations, recognise the huge pressures on the NHS in these difficult times and that healthcare professionals have worked tirelessly to ensure that the best possible care continues to be delivered to our patients.


The impact of COVID-19 on Ophthalmology Clinical Research in the UK and support via the NIHR RESTART Framework

Prior to COVID-19, approximately 80% of Trusts were engaged with at least one study, with on average 15,000 patients recruited to Ophthalmology studies per year. The NIHR’s Ophthalmology Specialty Group (OSG) for the Clinical Research Network has been working closely with its regional leads across the UK to support the sites where 41% of portfolio studies have been paused because of COVID.


Ophthalmology and Optometry: Our vision for safe and sustainable patient eye care services in England during and beyond COVID-19

With the pandemic continuing to affect the way primary and secondary eye care services are provided for patients in England, The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) and The College of Optometrists have developed a joint vision to support our workforce and the commissioning of safe and sustainable eye care services that meet the needs of all patients, improving patient care and outcomes during and beyond the pandemic.

Eye to Eye Podcast

The true impact of COVID-19 on Ophthalmologists in Training

In this episode we hear from Mariantonia Ferrara a Medical and Surgical Retina Fellow from Newcastle and Kerr Brogan, a Glaucoma Fellow from Glasgow, about the results from surveys that they conducted during the pandemic that investigated the impact of COVID-19 on Ophthalmologists in Training. Kirthi Varo, the Chair of the Ophthalmologists in Training Group (OTG) then shares with us an overview of the role of the OTG and its importance during these challenging times.