News & Views

Read the latest RCOphth news updates and guidance here.


The National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow Scheme 2022/23

The National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow scheme is run by the Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management (FMLM) and places fellows at a national healthcare-affiliated host organisation for a full-time 12-month position. The scheme is designed to develop skills in leadership, management, strategy, project management, and health policy. For those of you interested in a portfolio career, this interest area is an alternative to the traditional routes of research and teaching.


We are recruiting for a new Vice President

The Vice President of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is a pivotal role with a wide portfolio of responsibilities. As Vice President, you will work closely with the President to advocate for the RCOphth as a membership body, fulfilling its purpose in supporting the needs of members to make a sustainable difference to the profession and patient care.


World Sight Day 2021 #Loveyoureyes

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is proud to be supporting World Sight Day 2021 with the theme #Loveyoureyes. World Sight Day is an opportunity for everyone to be aware of eye health and the impact of sight loss. Globally, at least 1 billion people have near or distance vision impairment that could be prevented or has yet to be addressed.


RCOphth responds to select committees and MPs report on Coronavirus: Lessons learned to date

A joint parliamentary select committee report published yesterday has assessed some of the key decisions the UK has taken during the pandemic and lessons that needed to be learnt. While acknowledging there were some areas where the UK performed well, such as vaccine development and rollout, the report overall is very critical of the UK approach. These criticisms include ‘a degree of groupthink’ on the initial decisions taken on lockdowns and social distancing and stopping community testing early in the pandemic being a ‘serious mistake’. The report also importantly emphasised that a lack of NHS capacity was a significant problem.


Consultation on New Clinical Guideline for the Management of Angle-Closure Glaucoma

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) has produced a new draft clinical guideline on the management of Angle-Closure Glaucoma. This has been developed through a guideline development group (GDG) chaired by Professor Paul Foster. The College would now welcome any comments or observations on the content, format, or recommendations in this new guidance, to help contribute to and influence the final guideline.


New Honorary Fellows

The highest honour that The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) can bestow is that of Honorary Fellow. It is awarded in recognition of a lifelong contribution to ophthalmology. Three new Honorary Fellows were commended at the recent RCOphth Annual Admission Ceremony, Professor Roger Buckley, Dr Santosh Honavar and Professor Sir Peng Khaw.


Submit an abstract for the RCOphth Annual Congress 2022

Each year we invite those working in eye health research to present their findings and methods to our Congress audience. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your work to a significant audience. Abstract submission for Congress 2022 will open on 4 October 2021 and the deadline is 10 December 2021.


Take part in our retinal vein occlusion guidelines update consultation

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists (RCOphth) invites all ophthalmologists, clinicians and allied health professionals involved in eye care to take part in our consultation on the retinal vein occlusion guidelines update. The updated retinal vein occlusion guideline incorporates the impact of new imaging modalities and findings on the management of retinal vein occlusion.