News & Views

Read the latest RCOphth news updates and guidance here.


RCOphth AGM 2021

The 33rd AGM of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists will be held at 10.00 Tuesday 25 May 2021. It will be a virtual meeting and all members are encouraged to attend. Members can contact [email protected] if they are not attending Congress, but wish to attend the AGM.


Membership of the National Cataract Audit Advisory Group – Open Call

We are seeking applications for ophthalmologist representatives from the RCOphth membership. As an Advisory Group member, you will support the Clinical Lead and Project manager in developing the national cataract audit. The National Ophthalmology Database Audit (NOD) is internationally renowned as an exemplar of high quality audit that produces results in positive outcomes for patients and the profession. The NOD Cataract audit aims to prospectively collect, collate and analyse a standardised, nationally agreed dataset from all centres providing cataract surgery in the United Kingdom.


The Royal College of Ophthalmologists endorses the AAO's call for standardisation of digital imaging

The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) has issued a statement, 'American Academy of Ophthalmology Leads Call for Ophthalmic Equipment Manufacturers to Standardise Digital Imaging'. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists agrees with the recommendations that manufacturers must implement the existing international standard for communication and management of medical images and related data (DICOM).


The Eye Care Digital Playbook – How digital technology is transforming ophthalmic service delivery Webinar 

The first of a series of a series of webinars about The Eye Care Digital Playbook was held on Monday 1st March. These webinars, held jointly between NHSX and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists, will look at how the eye care playbook can improve patient experience and directly help clinicians support their patients. 


Sight impairment and severe sight impairment certifications and registrations update

The number of sight impairment and severe sight impairment certifications (CVI) decreased dramatically in April – June 2020. However with improvement in the pandemic situation, the numbers increased to pre-pandemic levels by September. Numbers dropped to about 80% of pre-pandemic level in January - February 2021. There remains a substantial backlog of people not offered certification during the lockdowns. We need to encourage ophthalmic care teams to identify patients not offered CVI’s during the Covid-19 pandemic and explain the benefits of registration to them.


Update of the ophthalmic imaging guidance

Our updated guidance provides an overview of the current state of available ophthalmic imaging technologies and their clinical applications. It also provides recommendations regarding minimum ophthalmic imaging requirements for hospital eye services.