News & Views

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SAS as educators

The SAS as educators paper, approved at the last Academy Council meeting, has now been published on our website.


One year on from the National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation Programme: progress and next steps

Mel Hingorani is RCOphth Honorary Secretary and Joint Clinical Lead of the National Eye Care Recovery and Transformation Programme (NECRTP) and is a consultant ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital. In this article, she reflects in her College capacity on what has been achieved by the programme so far and what still needs to happen.


The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and Fight for Sight: The Zakarian Awards

These new awards are offered jointly between the Royal College of Ophthalmologists and Fight for Sight. Fight for Sight’s mission is to stop sight loss by funding the highest quality medical research. The RCOphth recognises that research is the basis of high-quality evidence-based clinical care, services, and policies. They are named to honour the late Miss Zakarian who generously left Fight for Sight a legacy to help the charity support pioneering researchers.