News & Views

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RCOphth priorities reflected in Parliamentary debate on the merits of a national eye health strategy

Last week Members of Parliament debated the potential merits of a national eye health strategy at Westminster Hall. The debate, tabled by Marsha de Cordova MP, saw parliamentarians from across the political spectrum cite recent RCOphth statistics and explore several policy priorities advocated by the College. They discussed how an eye care strategy, supported by investment and resourcing, could help facilitate solutions to the ophthalmology capacity challenge. 


Increased training places on the agenda as government responds to Parliamentary report

The government has responded to a report by the Health and Social Care Select Committee, agreeing that if medical school places are to be expanded ‘there would need to be the appropriate number of specialty training places subsequently made available for graduates’. With the upcoming Long Term Workforce Plan in England expected to announce increases to medical school places, this clarity is important in potentially paving the way for a much-needed expansion in ophthalmology specialty training places.

Eye to Eye Podcast

Eye to Eye Podcast: Laser Pointer Maculopathy and Prescribing Trends in Glaucoma

This is the first episode of Eye to Eye, the podcast of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. The first episode launches with two interviews recorded at the RCOphth Annual Congress in May and a special message from the Chair of the Ophthalmologists in Training Group, welcoming new trainees. We'll be hearing from Fahd Quhill, Consultant Ophthalmologist from Sheffield on his research into laser pointer retinal injuries followed by an interview with Jeff Hogg, a registrar from Newcastle who tells us about his work analysing prescribing trends in glaucoma.

GMC workforce report illustrates capacity challenge facing ophthalmology and growing role of SAS doctors

The General Medical Council has (GMC) published ‘The state of medical education and practice in the UK: the workforce report 2022.’ This highlights statistical trends and challenges facing the medical workforce, including specific data on the ophthalmology workforce. RCOphth Policy Manager Jordan Marshall and Policy Advisor David Murray summarise the key findings and what they mean for ophthalmology.