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Applications open on 12th June 2023 for the first ever Part 2 FRCOphth Oral examination in Athens, Greece.

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is pleased to announce that their prestigious Part 2 FRCOphth Oral examination will be held in Athens, Greece for the first time in October 2023. This marks the first time that the Part 2 FRCOphth Oral exam will be available to sit on the European mainland, enabling candidates in European and neighbouring countries to sit the exam closer to home.


RCOphth Launches INSPIRE the new online learning platform

The College is delighted to announce that INSPIRE, its new lifelong learning platform, is now live. This an exciting project for the College, which provides a new vision for lifelong learning and development for all eye care professionals in a dynamic educational environment. With 26 Programmes across the areas of Clinical Knowledge, Professional Development and Personal Development, INSPIRE truly has something for everyone. 


Can you provide your time for upcoming AACs interviews?

The RCOphth has received requests for advisers to sit on the following consultant advisory appointment committees. Members, with at least one year’s experience as a consultant, are able to support these requests. All interviews will be virtual unless the trust has called for an in-person interview.

Press Release

Glaucoma UK urges people to get their eyes tested amidst sharp rise in glaucoma cases

With the number of people living with glaucoma in the UK expected to increase by almost a third between 2020 and 2035, Glaucoma UK is urging people to get their eyes tested. As part of Glaucoma Awareness Week 2022, which will run from 27 June to 3 July, the charity is highlighting the importance of regular sight tests, commonly referred to as eye tests, with the aim of ending preventable glaucoma sight loss.