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RCOphth President joins a panel of experts to discuss the findings from the Specsavers State of the UK’s Eye Health 2022 report

The Royal College of Ophthalmologists President, Professor Bernie Chang, joined a panel of senior leaders from across the eye care sector at the launch of the Specsavers State of the UK’s Eye Health 2022 report. Professor Chang was joined by Dr Peter Hampson, Clinical Director, Association of Optometrists, Ross Campbell, Ophthalmic Director of RCO Ltd, Fiona Sandford, Chief Executive of Visionary and was chaired by Dr Michael Mosley, to discuss how to draw on industry expertise to improve patient outcomes.

GMC workforce report illustrates capacity challenge facing ophthalmology and growing role of SAS doctors

The General Medical Council has (GMC) published ‘The state of medical education and practice in the UK: the workforce report 2022.’ This highlights statistical trends and challenges facing the medical workforce, including specific data on the ophthalmology workforce. RCOphth Policy Manager Jordan Marshall and Policy Advisor David Murray summarise the key findings and what they mean for ophthalmology.


RCOphth Launches INSPIRE the new online learning platform

The College is delighted to announce that INSPIRE, its new lifelong learning platform, is now live. This an exciting project for the College, which provides a new vision for lifelong learning and development for all eye care professionals in a dynamic educational environment. With 26 Programmes across the areas of Clinical Knowledge, Professional Development and Personal Development, INSPIRE truly has something for everyone. 


The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and The College of Optometrists call for the standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services

Currently, there is no standardisation across ophthalmic imaging technologies with the consequence that there is no easy way to exchange digital images between systems. Standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services would ensure that there is interoperability and a seamless interface that allows effective image sharing. The Royal College of Ophthalmologists and The College of Optometrists are now calling for the standardisation of digital imaging across eye care services.

A photo of a green eye

What does ‘Our plan for patients’ mean for NHS ophthalmology services?

On 22 September, the new Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, Dr Therese Coffey, set out the Government’s plan to improve patient experience of the NHS in England, outlining a range of measures relating to backlogs, workforce challenges, and digitisation of the NHS. RCOphth Policy Advisor David Murray summarises the key implications for NHS ophthalmology services.