National Clinical Impact Awards – NCIA (formerly Clinical Excellence Awards) 2022 Round

  • 07 Apr 2022
  • RCOphth

The National Clinical Excellence Awards have been renamed the National Clinical Impact Awards (NCIAs).  The 2022 round of the National Clinical Impact Awards will open for applications on Wednesday 27 April, with registration for a new online application system opening shortly before.  Please keep checking their website for details  NCIA 2022 Round.

If you wish to apply for RCOphth support, which involves scoring of your application, ranking and the uploading of a citation then you must send in your form no later than 12noon Tuesday 10 May to Jo Longden [email protected]Due to the timescale, we cannot accept any applications after this date.  Please also include the name of the person you have asked to provide a citation for you, should you be successful in gaining College support.

To note:  Many applicants without NNO citations have achieved awards in the past, and some consultants may not elect to seek support through this route which often requires early and sometimes laborious engagement with society.  Recent research has shown that in many cases citations only have a marginal influence on the final score achieved by applicants.

Once the process gets underway, the closing date for the fully completed application form to be uploaded onto the NCIA website by yourself will be 17:00hrs Wednesday 22 June.

Updated applicant guidance can be found here: Quick Guide for Applicants and here: Applicant Guidance.   It is important that you take the time to read through the guidance.

Please also find the new updated application form which you can start ‘offline’ 2022 New Application Form before the round opens.

As always, these awards remain extremely competitive and the College, as a Nominating Organisation, is only permitted to support a very limited number of applications.  To maximise your chances of success you must ensure that you are able to score in each of the 5 domains.

We would also like to strongly encourage more females to apply.

Further information

Please see a list of the Nominating Organisations (NNOs) List of NNOs

If you are interested in reading the government’s response to the consultation carried out in 2021, please click here Response to Consultation.

Any further details will be sent out accordingly, but we would also encourage you to look yourselves on the government website for Clinical Impact Awards