There are many weeks ahead that are likely to be among the most challenging of all our professional lives. Doctors will be faced with many professional dilemmas and some may be pushed to the limits of physical and mental endurance. Please look after your colleagues – protracted, relentless crises are often much more draining than short intense ones.
Supporting doctors throughout the COVID-19 pandemic: letters from clinical leaders
Find below a letter to the profession, signed by the four UK CMOs, Steve Powis, Nikki Kanani, Colin Melville from the GMC and Helen Stokes-Lampard on supporting doctors throughout the pandemic.
Joint letter to the profession January 2021
You can also read the two earlier letters sent in November and March last year:
- Supporting doctors through the second COVID wave November 2020
- First CMOs letter to the profession March 2020
RCOphth COVID-19 guidance on restoring ophthalmology services
The RCOphth is continuing to monitor information from the Government, the NHS and Public Health England. Advice and guidance for our members on COVID-19 is updated in response to this information.
Find the latest information on our COVID-19 guidance on restoring ophthalmology services page.