As the Editor-in Chief of Eye, it is my great pleasure to announce a big jump in Eye’s impact factor this year. Special thanks go to the editorial board members, reviewers and authors who generously contribute to Eye.
Eye’s 2020 Impact Factor is now 3.775; a big jump up from 2.455 in 2019! The journal’s rank within ophthalmology journals has also changed from 22/60 to 12/62.
Impact Factor measures a journal’s importance within academia by indicating the average number of cites each article receives. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations received by articles published in the preceding two years by the total number of citeable articles.
Some of the journal’s other key stats have improved, including:
- 5 Year Impact Factor 3.899
- Immediacy Index 1.119
- Journal Citation Indicator 1.18.
Eye is the official journal of The Royal College of Ophthalmologists. It is a monthly peer-reviewed medical publication which is principally for practising ophthalmologists. The journal also contains material of interest to a wider readership including optometrists, orthoptists, other health care professionals and research workers in all aspects of the field of visual science worldwide.
The people behind Eye
Eye owes its success to the hard work of the editorial board members, reviewers and authors. This committed group subjects each manuscript to an academically rigorous process, to ensure that the papers published are of the highest quality.
They focus on the latest global clinical and laboratory-based research, covering all aspects of ophthalmology.
Several Eye editorial board members have gone on to occupy prominent positions within the RCOphth, including Professor Dame Carrie MacEwen who is a current member of the editorial board; Bernie Chang, former section editor, is now President of the RCOphth. Andrew Lotery, former Chair of the Scientific Committee was Eye’s previous Editor in Chief.
The current Editor-in-Chief is Professor Sobha Sivaprasad, who has also recently been appointed as Chair of the Scientific Committee.
Background to Eye
Established in 1881 as the Transactions of the Ophthalmological Societies of the United Kingdom, Eye obtained its current name in 1987.
Eye is published by Springer Nature, who publish trusted research, support the development of new ideas and champion open science.
Read journal articles in print and online
Eye publishes articles in print and online every month. To access online articles, simply go to the members areaof the RCOphth website and sign-in. Once signed-in, the ‘Eye Journal’ link on the right-side of the main menu bar will provide full access to Eye’s online content.
Full access can also be gained via personal and institutional subscriptions. Selected new papers as well as those in the extensive archive are accessible for free.
For further information, please visit the Eye website or contact the Eye Editorial office at [email protected].