BMA medical book awards 2022 applications open

  • 08 Mar 2022
  • RCOphth

Online applications to the 2022 BMA medical book awards are open and will close on Friday 18 March 2022.

The BMA medical book awards take place annually to recognise outstanding contributions to medical literature. There are 15 BMA medical book awards categories available for 2022. Please click here if you would like to view the explanation for BMA medical book awards categories.

The online entry form, including conditions of entry, can be found here. All titles must have been published between January and December 2021.

The deadline for applications is Friday 18 March 2022. If you have any questions about the awards, please contact the awards team at [email protected].

Would you like to be a volunteer reviewer for the BMA medical book awards (MBA)?


We are also recruiting volunteer reviewers for the BMA medical book awards (MBA). The MBA recognises outstanding contributions to medical literature.


Reviewers for the awards have a key role in advising on the quality and suitability of each application. If you are interested in becoming a reviewer for the MBA, please get in touch with the awards team at [email protected]. The reviewing process will start in March 2022.