The situation in Ukraine will be on a lot of people’s minds. Many of us will be worried about friends and family in the country now, and I want to reiterate that the role that colleagues from Ukraine and the other affected areas play within the NHS is vital. If you have family and friends in Ukraine, or are impacted by this or anything else that is causing you concern, there are resources available from the NHS.
Organisations across the NHS and the health and care sector as a whole will be keen to help. In order to coordinate this help, to avoid creating disruption or duplication, please submit offers of assistance to [email protected]
The Charity Commission and Fundraising Regulator have urged the public to ‘give safely’ to registered charities as people make generous donations to causes helping to support and protect people affected by the invasion of Ukraine. The Disasters Emergency Committee, a coalition of 15 leading UK charities, has launched its collective appeal to provide emergency aid and rapid relief to civilians suffering during the conflict.
Advice issued by NHS England Mar 2022
Updated links by RCOphth June 2022