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The National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow Scheme 2022/23

The National Medical Director’s Clinical Fellow scheme is run by the Faculty of Medical Leadership & Management (FMLM) and places fellows at a national healthcare-affiliated host organisation for a full-time 12-month position. The scheme is designed to develop skills in leadership, management, strategy, project management, and health policy. For those of you interested in a portfolio career, this interest area is an alternative to the traditional routes of research and teaching.


The impact of COVID-19 on Ophthalmology Clinical Research in the UK and support via the NIHR RESTART Framework

Prior to COVID-19, approximately 80% of Trusts were engaged with at least one study, with on average 15,000 patients recruited to Ophthalmology studies per year. The NIHR’s Ophthalmology Specialty Group (OSG) for the Clinical Research Network has been working closely with its regional leads across the UK to support the sites where 41% of portfolio studies have been paused because of COVID.