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Press Release

Over two million people with urgent eye care needs must be prioritised by the next Government, say leading experts

Leading eye care experts have issued a call to the next Government to recognise the unmet needs of more than 2.2 million people across the UK who are currently living with a condition that causes visual impairment or sight loss, and as part of this, to commit to developing a long-awaited national plan for eye care in England.


RCOphth evidence to COVID inquiry calls for better planning, coordination and consultation in future public health emergencies

We have provided evidence to the Academy of Medical Royal Colleges (AoMRC), which is responding to the UK COVID-19 Inquiry on behalf of all members. RCOphth Policy Advisor David Murray summarises the key points from our response, which recommends four actions to ensure UK ophthalmology services are resilient and able to deliver sufficient patient care and training opportunities during and after the acute stage of a future pandemic.