All events and courses

We offer a wide range of seminars, surgical skills courses and webinars for everyone involved in ophthalmic care and service development.

Scroll down to see details of all the skills courses and training events taking place over the next few months. Then click on your selected course to see more information and to book your place.

You can search the full range of courses here.  

Location: Online via Zoom
Webinar: Industry-Sponsored Clinical Trial Protocols – Insights from an expert
Are you involved in clinical trials or looking to get involved in industry-sponsored trials? This interactive and practical workshop, led by the esteemed Professor Sobha Sivaprasad, will equip you with the essential skills needed to evaluate and implement industry-sponsored clinical trial protocols effectively.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 12/2/25 6.30pm
Location: Online via Teams Live
Webinar: All about the ePortfolio
This session, hosted by the ePortfolio developer FourteenFish, is for OST resident doctors, supervisors and trainers who want to know more about the new ePortfolio. You will find out more about the trainee user journey, how to add and find information, how to submit evidence and how to prepare for ARCP. This will be followed through into the trainer user journey on how to find and navigate trainees record, how to view and approve evidence, sign off forms and find historical evidence.
Click here to join

Date: 27/2/2025
Location: London
Event: Portfolio pathway Training Day
This event, suitable for those with an open, in-progress Portfolio pathway application with the GMC or those who intend to apply within six months, will include workshops, presentations and Q&A sessions. The event will provide applicants with a deeper understanding of the change of standards, from ‘equivalent to CCT’ to ‘Knowledge, Skills and Experience’ and demonstrate ways to approach an application in the future.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 5/3/25 6-7pm
Location: Online
Member Connect session – Exclusively for College members: Update on the College’s position on workforce planning
Hosted by College Vice President Stephen Kaye
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 10/3/25 and 11/3/25
Location: London
Event: Professional skills leadership course
This course gives ophthalmologists of all grades and ophthalmic practitioners interested in clinical leadership insights into developing the core skills needed to become an effective leader through presentations, group activities and scenario-building.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 14/3/25
Event: What’s hot in Oculoplastics? RCOphth & BOPSS joint study day
Location: York
This event will give participants tips and insights, as well as the chance to ask questions and discuss issues around lacrimal surgery, periocular skin cancers, management of the incomplete or defective closure of the eyelids and enucleation. They will also explore assessment and management of moderate complexity in oculoplastics patient in eye casualty and thyroid eye disease.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 18/3/25
Location: London
Skills course: Introduction to Ophthalmic Surgery
This course gives trainees the opportunity to learn some of the core skills that form the building blocks of ophthalmic surgery. The focus is on hands-on practical experience with only short introductions to each topic and at least five hours of simulated surgery using the latest model eyes.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 19/3/25
Location: London
Event: Medico-legal course
This all-day symposium will give ophthalmologists of all levels and experience, including trainees, SAS doctors and consultants an insight into litigation, which is ever-increasing. The day also includes talks on how we learn from litigation and clinical errors, how to protect yourself from litigation and how to become/the role of a medical expert. The afternoon will be dedicated to an interactive “You’re the Judge” session.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 21/3/25
Location: London
Course: Supervision for Ophthalmic Practitioner Training
This course will help ophthalmologists, orthoptists, optometrists and ophthalmic nurses who are experienced in education and would like to implement the Ophthalmic Practitioner Training (OPT) programme in their unit or region.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 2/4/25 6-7pm
Location: Online
Member Connect session – Exclusively for College members: British Ophthalmic Surveillance Unit (BOSU)
Hosted by Jugnoo Rahi (Chair BOSU Committee and College Council Member), Barny Foot (BOSU Convenor) and Jack West (Ophthalmologist in Training member of BOSU Committee)
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 7/4/25
Location: Newcastle
Course: Inherited retinal disease – the basics and interactive
This one-day course will equip participants with the basics for identifying and managing patients with inherited retinal diseases. Half of the time will will be devoted to a range of engaging, interactive cases with key learning points emphasised.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 10/4/25
Location: London
Skills course: Introduction to Ophthalmic Surgery
This course gives trainees the opportunity to learn some of the core skills that form the building blocks of ophthalmic surgery. The focus is on hands-on practical experience with only short introductions to each topic and at least five hours of simulated surgery using the latest model eyes.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 11/4/25
Location: London
Skills course: Introduction to Ophthalmic Surgery
This course gives trainees the opportunity to learn some of the core skills that form the building blocks of ophthalmic surgery. The focus is on hands-on practical experience with only short introductions to each topic and at least five hours of simulated surgery using the latest model eyes.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 14/4/25
Location: Hull
Skills course: Introduction to Ophthalmic Surgery
This course gives trainees the opportunity to learn some of the core skills that form the building blocks of ophthalmic surgery. The focus is on hands-on practical experience with only short introductions to each topic and at least five hours of simulated surgery using the latest model eyes.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 15/4/25
Location: Hull
Skills course: Introduction to Ophthalmic Surgery
This course gives trainees the opportunity to learn some of the core skills that form the building blocks of ophthalmic surgery. The focus is on hands-on practical experience with only short introductions to each topic and at least five hours of simulated surgery using the latest model eyes.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 30/4/2025
Location: London
Event: Training the Trainer (TTT) for senior trainees and SAS doctors
This one-day course, suitable for senior trainees (ST5-ST7) and Specialist Grade/Associate Specialist SAS Doctors with over five years’ experience develop skills to make their conversations more valuable for learning and understanding tools for supervision, including objective setting, feedback and appraisal. The course uses a blend of independent preparatory learning with intensively-facilitated practical sessions on the day.
Click here for more details and to book 

Date: 4/6/25 6-7pm
Location: Online
Member Connect session – Exclusively for College members: SAS – specialty and associate specialist doctors
Hosted by Swetha Maddula-Batambuze, Chair of the Specialty and Specialists Ophthalmologists (SAS) Group.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 17/6/25 and 18/6/25
Location: Hull
Skills course: Basic Phacoemulsification course
This introduction to phacoemulsification cataract surgery course for ST1 and LAT trainees, speciality doctors and other staff grade doctors who have completed the EyeSi courseware A and B training. Participants will use a combination of wet-labs and a Digital Surgical Classroom, with wifi linked Zeiss Stemi microscopes. Trainees will be able to practice core skills in an environment akin to live surgery.
Click here for more details and to book

Date: 17/7/25 and 18/7/25
Location: London
Skills course: Basic Phacoemulsification course 
This introduction to phacoemulsification cataract surgery course for ST1 and LAT trainees, speciality doctors and other staff grade doctors who have completed the EyeSi courseware A and B training. Participants will use a combination of wet-labs and a Digital Surgical Classroom, with wifi linked Zeiss Stemi microscopes. Trainees will be able to practice core skills in an environment akin to live surgery.
Click here for more details and to book