The RCOphth e-Portfolio was created some time ago with the specific aim of allowing doctors in training to manage progression of learning against the OST curriculum.
Over the years access has been extended to doctors in non-training posts. It enables Ophthalmic Local Trainees to add evidence and have assessments signed off as normal.
Limitations apply to the grid listing curriculum competences, which will show as a static table, purely for reference purposes, and has no colours because it cannot perform the same function, given that doctors in non-training posts do not take part in the annual review process (the ARCP).
A new OST curriculum is currently being developed, which will require to be supported by a new e-Portfolio. The RCOphth will work on solutions to create a separate area dedicated to doctors on the OLT programme after switching to a new system. The RCOphth has no plans to modify the current e-Portfolio to accommodate ad hoc requirements for the OLT programme.
Evaluating panels wishing to discuss how to facilitate electronic reviews in the interim should contact the Training and Education department via [email protected] .