Over the summer, the Surgical Skills Faculty will be hosting a series of monthly webinars focusing on how to use a variety of simulation techniques to acquire and maintain surgical skills during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The first two webinars in this series will be on Cataract Surgery Complications and Ocular Trauma.
Wednesday 24 June 2020, 1800hrs, London time
The Cataract Complications webinar will cover:
- Modular anterior vitrectomy training using the EYESi and model eyes
- Immersive simulation of PCR
- Management of suprachoroidal haemorrhage
- Techniques to manage zonular dialysis
- Small pupil techniques
- Scleral fixated IOL implantation
Register here.
Tuesday 21 July 2020, 1800hrs, London time
The Ocular Trauma webinar will cover:
- Repair of complex corneal lacerations
- Corneal gluing
- Iris trauma repair and reconstruction
- Repair of scleral lacerations and scleral ruptures
- Management of traumatic cataract
Register here.
Although it will not be possible to discuss all aspects of these techniques during the webinars, the full length version of each video clip shown will be available to view in the RCOphth section of the Simulation Gallery website.