Mind-blowing journey ahead for ophthalmologists

  • 06 Sep 2024
  • Communications team

College President Ben Burton today presented diplomas to more than 150 new Fellows at this year’s Admissions Ceremony.

Congratulating them all, he said: “I cannot think of a speciality within medicine in which there are as many opportunities as ophthalmology.

“Ophthalmology is at the cutting edge of gene therapies, we are on the cusp of an artificial intelligence revolution. What changes will you see in your careers? One thing is for certain and that is that change is coming and you must keep learning and adapting. But it will be a mind blowing journey.”

Ben concluded the presentation, saying: “The Royal College of Ophthalmologists is proud of your accomplishment and looks forward to working with you to maintain the highest standards in our speciality. Together we will shape the future of ophthalmology.”

The College’s annual Admissions Ceremony sees new Fellows honoured in front of an audience of their families and friends in the presence of the College Council members.

This year’s event, at Friends House in central London, included the presentation of Honorary Fellowships to Kathy Evans, the College’s former Chief Executive; Professor Christopher Liu, Honorary Treasurer of the College; and Professor Geoff Rose. They join a prestigious group of people recognised for their notable contributions to ophthalmology.

Dr Elizabeth Wilkinson, a consultant ophthalmologist and newly appointed as one of the ophthalmology clinical leads for NHS England’s Getting it Right First Time programme, gave the closing address.