Digital Resources

Videos and recordings from the Curriculum 2024 project team to support your awareness and understanding of different aspects of the new curriculum.

On this page you can find resources to help trainees and trainers understand the concepts behind and implementation of the new Curriculum.  Scroll down to see recordings and presentations made by members of the Curriculum 2024 project team, led by Mr Vikas Chadha (Chair of Curriculum Sub-Committee). 

Curriculum 2024 recordings

A collection of recordings about different aspects of Curriculum 2024, including the Autumn Webinar Programme 2023.







This is a recording of a presentation given by Mr David Yorston on 7 November 2022 as part of the Advanced Training the Trainers course.

This is a recording made of a webinar held on 22 April 2022, chaired by Mr Vikas Chadha. The passcode is Y4K%1$QX.

Curriculum 2024 presentations

A collection of presentations about different aspects of Curriculum 2024, including the Autumn Webinar Programme 2023.

Transition guidance

These are slides used by Mr Chadha at a meeting of the Regional Curriculum Network on 31 July 2023.