The Ophthalmologists-in-Training Group (OTG) and The Royal College of Ophthalmologists fully appreciate the hard work of our Junior Doctor colleagues and that this needs to be appropriately recognised and supported. Junior Doctors are central to the workforce today and vital to the future sustainability of the NHS.
The OTG, representing ophthalmology Junior Doctors across the UK, acknowledge the immense strain all the workforce in the national health service has been put under in recent years, working through the COVID-19 pandemic, and on a background of longstanding increasing pressures within the NHS.
As a College, we wish to achieve the best outcomes for both patients and the NHS community. Ongoing strikes leading to further disruption will not be sustainable for the NHS. However, we fully acknowledge no doctor takes the decision to strike lightly and the current strike action which follows an overwhelming mandate in the BMA ballot clearly represents the culmination of years of unresolved frustration.
We urge all concerned parties to engage completely and constructively with negotiations to achieve a rapid resolution and minimise any further disruption.